Type of monument: Town planningand architecture
Date of monument: late ХІХ century
Location: Aktobe region, Uil district, on the right bank of Uil river, 4,8 km to the north-east of Karakemer village
Investigations: During the Soviet era, the site was investigated by Russian scientists from Leningrad. It was described in the book «Ak kumbez» of writer, Kural Tokmurzauly which was published in 2000. Information on monument was entered into the «Aktobe» encyclopedia edited in 2001 by «Otandastar-Polygraphiya» LLP publishing house.
Overview: It is located on the plain area of the right bank of Uil river, to the north-west from its stream. It consist of three objects built of red burnt brick and thereby local residents called it as «Red school». Two main objects (educational and residential buildings) are located parallel to each other about 30 m and stretched over the west-east line. Layout of two buildings is almost identical: the only difference is additional space and size. Both buildings have sixteen window openings (a metal grating of one was saved) – four to each side. During the construction the great importance was attached to decorative wall laying that is found while designing door and window openings, ledges. Several inner openings have arched ends. Four heating ovens were kept inside two buildings.
The third object (canteen) is located at a distance of 24,15 m to the north and has a long axis oriented to the west-eastern line. Its length is 27 m, width is 6,5 m, only the part of the walls were saved. Local residents stated that tin roofing was saved on all the three objects until 90s of the last century.
Legend: The residents call the monument built by Mendybai Kumisbai as «Red school». The reason is that the school was built of the burnt brick. The way local residents was able to make such a highly durable building product using clay and sand attracted the attention of several scientists during the Soviet era. But still nobody could solve the mystery. Red bricks needed for construction were produced locally. The bricks were burnt in the oven located 100-250 m away from school upon making a molding compound. This place was called as «Taskuidirgen». Bushes and grass such as meadowsweet, caragana, wormwood, shiraljin plant, weeds, salsola were used as energy.