Name: Monument – bust of A. Moldagulova, a Hero of Soviet Union
Type of monument: Facilities of monumental art
Date of monument: 1972
Location: Aktobe region, Khobda district, Bulak village
Description of monument: Bust of A. Moldagulova is made of gypsum. Bust is made till the breast, in soldier’s service shirt, without a head-dress. Pedestal is made of concrete and covered with black bar. Pedestal was installed on the two tier stylobate. Length and width of the first tier of the stylobate is – 2,300 meters, length and width of the second tier is– 1,800 meters. Height of the stylobate is – 0,250 meters. Length and width of the pedestal is – 1 meter, height is – 1,500 meter. Total height is – 2,650 meters.
Sculptor: А.Chernikova.
Historical note: Aliya Nurmukhamedovna Moldagulova was born in June 15, 1925 (October 25 according to some sources) in Bulak village, Khobda district, Aktobe region, in the family of Nurmukhamed Sarkulov and Marzhan Moldagulova.
Aliya Nurmukhamedovna Moldagulova was awarded a rank of the Hero of soviet Union in June 4, 1944. She was awarded the Order of Lenin. Aliya was buried in Monakov village of Novosokolnichesky district of Pskov region.