Name: The Windmill
Type of monument: Town planning and architecture
Date of monument: 1909
Location: Aktobe region, Algi district, in the west of village Eset batyr Kokiuly
Description of monument: Rod windmill(Stolbovka) consisting of stone conical base and large mill granary. It is rested on frame consisting of two horizontal planks tightened with cross bars. Granary framing is covered with keeled corner roof covered with iron sheet. There is a vertical support column inside the mill till the half of its height. A horizontal shaft with a large wheel was installed in the upper part of the mill, a wheel transmitting the rotation to the horizontal gear with iron pivot. Inner grinding structures (grinders and others) were saved only partially. There is a door opposite to the mill (ladder was not kept), there is a window and weathercock on the roof. Main construction of mill is made of wood using clamps and studs. Height up to the roof top is – 13 m. Length of granary is – 4,70 m., width is – 6,30 m.
Historical note: The monument was firstly investigated by expedition of Social Service Center for protecting monuments of history and culture of the republic in 1984. (leader: S.I. Adzhigaliev). Mill was built in 1909 by Ukraininan emigrators, Timofei Lavrushko and his brother and it was in operation till 1961.