Name: Burial ground ofA. Kosuakov
Type of monument: Town planning and architecture
Date of monument: 1924
Location: Aktobe region, Algi district, Karagach village
Description of monument: The quadgrave, where mortuary monument was installed, it is surrounded with siliceous black stones. The following was written on the stone symbol: «ТАРИХИ ТҰЛҒА, АЛАШ АЗАМАТЫ РУЫ ТАРАҚТЫ ТАБЫН ҚОЖАМБЕРДІ ҚОСУАҚҰЛЫ АХМЕТКЕРЕЙ 1857-1924 БЕЛГІ ҚОЮШЫЛАР: НЕМЕРЕ БАЛАСЫ – СЕЙТОВ ӘШІМ КҮЙЕУ БАЛАСЫ – ЖҰМАҒҰЛОВ ҚАБЫЛ ҚАРАҚҰЛҰЛЫ АУЫЛ ӘКІМІ – АБДУАЛИЕВА АҚБӨПЕ ҚАЙРАДИНҚЫЗЫ АУЫЛ ТҰРҒЫНДАРЫ ҚЫРКҮЙЕК АЙЫ 2003 ж.»
Historical note: Akhmetkerey Kosuakov was born in 1857, in Ilek-Batpakty village of Aktobe area of Turgay region. She finished 3 grade gymnasium in Orenburg. In 1895 he was elected as a governor of Bestamak district and worked for 15 years. He invited the famous Kazakh teacher, A. Baitursynov to volost village school in Karagach and provided him with teacher position.
In 1911 – 13 years he was a governor of Batpakty volost and in 1918 – 20 years he was a linguist of county governance. He was in same policy orientation as Alashorda. Since 1920 till his dying day he worked as a judge at the Justice department of Aktobe district executive committee. In April 2 – 8, 1917 he participated in Turgai regional congress, in December 5, 1917 he participated in Kyrgyz congress.