Zhalimbet batyr mausoleum

Type of monument: Sacral object

Date of monument: II half of XIX century

Location: Aktobe region, Mugalzharsky district, 10 km east-north-east of Zhanazhol village

Research: For the first time in the early XIX century the monument was described by I.A. Kastanie, later, and in the late 1940s it was researched by T. Basenov. In 1984 it was studied by the expedition of the Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the KazSSR (headed by S.I.Azhigali) in order to provide its certification.

Brief description: The portal-dome mausoleum, rectangular in plan, built of burnt and raw bricks on the foundation of domestic stone on mortar. Pylons have been preserved from the portal on the southern facade. The frame of the building has developed corner structures. They are deep niches with the ends, which form independent chambers from the outside. The low wide drum with the dome of the true strength of masonry having rather wide span is also characteristic. Deep lancet niches are also arranged in the walls of the interior between the corner niches. The surface of the chamber was plastered and whitewashed, the arch soffits of the niches retained traces of ornamental painting of plant and geometric style in yellow and black paint.

Legend: Zhalimbet batyr lived in the XVIII century was an associate of Kotibar batyr Basenuly and fought against the Tsar.

There is a legend about Zhalimbet Batyr: “Zhalimbet batyr had a mane on his back. In spring, in spite of high water, he was sailing back and forth along the Kumzhargan River, pushing the melting ice with his hands. Steam emanated from the body of Zhalimbet batyr, and the ice stuck to his mane was melting. Batyr was very strong, courageous and martial. There were times when he walked almost naked”.

Zhalimbet batyr was also a brave, far-sighted man who urged the Kazakhs to stand up to the enemy by uniting.

During wartime a group of riders led by Baldygul and Basygul from the Uak clan, who were migrating from the Middle Juz, passed by the aul of Zhalimbet batyr. Dzhigits (skilful horsemen) in aul wanted to take away their horses, but they were feared by a formidable sight of Baldygul and Basygul. Hearing that, Zhalimbet set his dzhigits to rest and also invited Baldygul and Basygul on a visit. From them he learned that they had suffered from the raids of enemies, as well as the oppression of the tsar’s army. Zhalimbet offered Baldygul to stay in his aul for good, and also promised to support them in the war effort. So they all stayed in the lands of the Nazar family clan. Subsequently, Zhalimbet married his daughter Kamka to Baldygul. Basygul remained to live in Saugabai lands of the Nazar family clan.