Memorable sign to the heroes of the novel by A. Nurpeisov Kan Menter

Name and date of the monument: A memorial sign to the heroes of A. Nurpeisov’s novel “Kan Menter” (“Blood and Sweat”) 2008

Location: Aktobe, Abai avenue, square

Description: the monument depicts the heroes of A. Nurpeisov’s novel “blood and sweat”: Elaman and Kalen, striving for a bright life, beautiful Akbala, her Father Suyeu, behind the lazy Sudyrakhmet, Karakaty and Tanirbergen. Made of bronze. The stand is decorated with pink shoulder-blades, similar to a mountain peak, 565 cm long, 300 cm wide, 162 cm high. The pedestal reads “Blood and Sweat”.

Architect and sculptor: E. Zhauymbaev.